How We Love Each Other
To create this issue of UNUM, founder/editor Tricia English and translator Marie Blessing traveled to Oaxaca, Mexico in October 2019. There, they met with women who shared stories about their struggles, their backgrounds and their communities. These are the stories you will read in this issue.
When I ask Tricia and Marie what they learned, and how they related to the women they met in Oaxaca, Tricia answers; “How much love these women embody. This is a culture of family, love and unity. I chose this country to really show the depths of communities in Mexico. These women persevered through hardships that many of may never understand or relate too. But they came out on the other side still full of life and wanting to give that to others. I cried many times along my journey through this.”
Both Tricia and Marie speak about the vibrant colors—like sunny canary yellows, and deep bold blues—that blanket the streets and culture in Oaxaca. Things are bright and celebratory. “Everything is art,” Marie says. “The pharmacy, the doorknob, the tiles, the walls. Markets, galleries, printmakers, tattoo shops, skate shops, all boasting a modern Bohemian feel mixed with indigenous roots.”
The two were welcomed in Mexico in a way that made them both feel deeply connected to the people they encountered on their trip. Their adventure emphasized our ethos at UNUM, that we are all one.
“One thing UNUM represents is unity, and how similar we are. I felt that through all of these stories. Each woman gave us advice, and shared experiences that we have all experienced; like having partners that aren’t supportive, or trying to find ways to grow something with nothing, or setting your mind to something you believe knowing one else does. And ultimately love and family. It’s universal. How we treat each other. How we support each other, how we love each other.”
-Maria Mannuela, Arts Editor

Written by Sun Cooper
Written by Maria Manuela